The Journal
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7 Science-Backed Self-Care Tips for Fall and Winter: Boost Your Immunity and Mental Health
As we transition from fall to winter, the changes in weather and sunlight can have an impact on both our physical and mental health. For women, the seasonal shift can feel particularly challenging,...
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Did you know that vitamins can be friends and enemies too? Understanding which supplements to take together, or avoid, is an easy way to optimize absorption and maximize their intended functions, l...
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Should you take supplements? Unsure where to begin?
Are you interested in supplements but unsure about where to begin? You're not alone. It can be challenging to determine if you're receiving adequate vitamins, minerals and nutrients through your di...
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Wellness is deeply individual and not one-size-fits-all; and what it means to you may even change through the cycles of your life. The key is to find a balance that works for you, sustainably. We b...
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What are the 7 types of rest and how can you achieve them? Let's be real, we are probably all burnt out. Rest is often viewed as a luxury or an option, something to 'fit in' when the work is done...
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Cycle Syncing: How to make your period work for you
Cycle syncing: How to make your period work for you Have you wondered why you feel gloomy one day and lighter the next? Your energy, sleep, mood, appetite, creativity, social engagement, productiv...
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